Przedsiębiorstwo Odmetanowania Kopalń "Zachód" Sp. z o.o.

Idź do treści

Foundry Dust Production Plant



Foundry Dust Production Plant


ul. Wentylacyjna 14


41-746 Piekary Śląskie


Tel. 32 391 90 58


Fax. 32 243 98 89


Google maps


Plant equipment:


mills with modern dust removing devices


weighbridge 50 T


own means of loading onto trucks and railway wagons


fenced and monitored storage and maneuvering sites


licensed chemical laboratory for current quality control of the batch material and final product

Plant production:


coal dusts as supplements for molding compositions

Parameters of the dusts:


Sulfur (S)



ash (As)

< 5%



< 4%


volatile content



glance coal content




acc. customer wishes

We offer:


coal dust in bulk (loaded into metal containers of the customer)


coal dust in airtight paper bags


coal dust in the Big-Bag container


coal dust loaded on cement trailer

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